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Supply Chain:
No Longer
an Option for Manufacturers

Around the world, manufacturers are groaning under the weight of poor data, limited visibility, quality issues, stock shortages, fulfilment delays, etc., that may limit the industry’s growth momentum. The continued and overwhelming reliance on traditional manufacturing practices impedes operational efficiency. Worse, when procurement professionals do not have a single source of truth to rely on, poor data from disparate systems inhibits business continuity. The question is how manufacturers can build enduring value with fragmented supply chains.

Why rely on fragmented systems when supply chain integration helps?

With digitalization influencing the business world, there is a demand for methods to improve the flow of data and information. This does not only mean digitizing data and information that was once manual and paper-based.

It requires shifting focus to connected, integrated supply chains that can potentially boost productivity by reducing the time spent on redundant manual tasks, improving competitiveness through lower costs, and delivering value-based services to customers.

An integrated approach allows manufacturers to automate mundane tasks and combat project completion delays, exceeded budgets, and unmet consumer demands. Understanding how an integrated approach is a game-changer for manufacturers is pivotal in optimizing manufacturing processes.

When supply chains are connected and integrated, manufacturers can access data related to inventory levels, production status, shipments, and more. As a result, they can drive strategic decisions. End-to-end visibility, effective collaboration, and order automation allow manufacturers to identify and address bottlenecks, potential disruptions, or delays before they escalate and impact production or delivery schedules.

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